CA-MIDIN5P immagine
Price: € 5.00 (VAT included)
Shipping cost: € 7.98 - Express Courier
delivery within 3 working days

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Availability: ULTIMO PEZZO



Cavo audio del tipo MIDI DIN per attrezzature e strumenti musicali. Questo cavo vi permettera' di collegare qualunque attrezzatura musicale di tipo MIDI DIN a 5 poli

Package contents

La confezione include il solo cavo completo

Physical characteristics

Aspect: Colore Beige
Package weight: 100 g
Size: Cavo di lunghezza 2 metri


The product is covered by the standard warranty of 12 months and by a legal guarantee of 24 months for conformity defects, according to Italian D.Lgs. 206/05

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